Devotionals Encouragement The Battlefields in the Spiritual War for Souls October 17, 2022October 17, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinIn the unending war between God and evil, it’s easy to feel alone on the battlefield. But take heart. The war has been won. ShareTweetSharePin
Devotionals Encouragement Unseen, Yet Present in the Storm September 20, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinHaving Jesus along for the ride in the midst of a storm is reassuring, but what if you don’t see Him? Rest assured, Jesus is unseen, yet present in the storm. ShareTweetSharePin
Devotionals Encouragement When it Feels Like God Has Forgotten You August 30, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinFeel like God has forgotten you? He hasn’t. His greater plans for you are yet to unfold. ShareTweetSharePin
Biblical Living Devotionals Encouragement The Most Unusual Battle Tactics August 25, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinIn the midst of life’s battles, you might find that the most unusual of battle tactics are also the most effective. ShareTweetSharePin