Biblical Living Devotionals When Your Answer is Right in Front of You September 29, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinHave you ever been confounded by a question or problem, unable to make sense of it all? The answer you’re seeking could be right in front of you. ShareTweetSharePin
Biblical Living Devotionals How the Moon is God’s Powerful Witness September 26, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinThe moon which lights our dark nights has no light of its own. Like us, the moon merely reflects the Light that God gives us. ShareTweetSharePin
Biblical Living Devotionals The Meaning of the Two Men Crucified with Jesus September 23, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinJesus wasn’t crucified alone. On one side was a guilty and defiant person, and on the other was a guilty and repentant person. Which are you? ShareTweetSharePin
Devotionals Encouragement Unseen, Yet Present in the Storm September 20, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinHaving Jesus along for the ride in the midst of a storm is reassuring, but what if you don’t see Him? Rest assured, Jesus is unseen, yet present in the storm. ShareTweetSharePin
Bible Study Biblical Living Reconciling Biblical Love with War September 19, 2022September 19, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinThe Bible tells us to love our enemies. But what if our enemies are determined to harm innocent people? Biblical love does have a place for war. ShareTweetSharePin
Bible Study Biblical Living The Right Way to be Wrong September 15, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinWe’re all wrong sometimes, but we don’t like to admit it. But the truth is, others know when we’re wrong, so it’s best to own it. ShareTweetSharePin
Bible Study Biblical Living Being aware of our own flaws and faults September 14, 2022October 22, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinThe truth is, we don’t see ourselves realistically. That’s why we have to be aware of our own blind spots. ShareTweetSharePin
Biblical Living Devotionals Why Accepting Help is as Important as Helping September 13, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinHelping others can be hard, but accepting help from others can be even harder. ShareTweetSharePin
Bible Study Biblical Living Trials of Life Grieving in a Biblical Way August 30, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinGrief is a reality of life. When difficult things happen, how can we grieve in a manner pleasing to God? ShareTweetSharePin
Devotionals Encouragement When it Feels Like God Has Forgotten You August 30, 2022October 16, 2022By gloriDeo Media ShareTweetSharePinFeel like God has forgotten you? He hasn’t. His greater plans for you are yet to unfold. ShareTweetSharePin